Break Free from the Herd: Achieve Your Business Dreams by Ditching “Normal” Models

by | Business Strategy, Content Strategy, Innovation

Have you ever wondered why so many businesses look the same? Why so many people follow the same “proven” strategies? It’s like we’re all lining up at a buffet and taking the same dish, just because everyone else seems to think it’s the best thing on the menu.

Let’s get real for a minute: sure, some business models are tried-and-true, but how often do we find ourselves doing things just because… well, that’s how everyone else does them? This brings to mind the classic story of asking mom why she cuts the end off the roast before cooking it. She says, “Because that’s how Grandma did it.” Dig a little deeper, and you find out Grandma’s pan was just too small.

Why Do We Follow the Crowd?

Why do we default to “normal” business practices? It’s a mix of comfort, fear, and good ol’ human nature. We love a blueprint, especially when it seems to have worked for others. But sometimes, the blueprint was designed for a different house entirely.

Think about it: Henry Ford didn’t invent the car; he just figured out how to make it faster and cheaper. Steve Jobs didn’t invent the computer; he made it cool. Both broke the mold in their industries because they looked beyond what everyone else was doing. They realized there was no “business model police” waiting to arrest them for trying something new.

The Dangers of “Because That’s How It’s Done”

Following the herd might feel safe, but it can also be a one-way ticket to mediocrity. Sticking to the status quo means you’re missing out on a treasure trove of potential innovations and unique approaches. And let’s face it: the world is full of businesses that are, well… fine. But who wants to be just fine?

Here’s the thing—when you’re doing something just because “that’s how it’s done,” you’re not innovating. You’re not making waves. You’re just cutting the end off the roast. And while that might be comforting, it’s not going to help you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Embrace the Freedom to Innovate

The truth is, there’s no authority out there that’s going to stop you from trying a different approach. (As long as it’s legal, of course.) The magic happens when you embrace this freedom and start asking, “What if?”

  • What if you could attract customers without spending a fortune on advertising?
  • What if you built your business model around providing extraordinary service instead of offering the lowest price?
  • What if you started a subscription service in an industry where that’s unheard of?

By breaking free from the usual patterns, you open the door to creativity and growth. You also get to challenge the assumptions that everyone else takes for granted.

How to Start Breaking Free from Traditional Models

So, how do you break free from the normal business models? It starts with questioning every assumption:

  1. Identify “Sacred Cows.” What are the things in your business that you do just because they’ve always been done that way? List them out.
  2. Ask “Why?” Why are you following this practice? Is it because it works, or because it’s just what everyone does? Dig into the real reasons behind your current methods.
  3. Test and Experiment. Try new things on a small scale. Launch a new product or service on a trial basis, test new marketing strategies, or experiment with different pricing models.
  4. Accept Failure (and Learn from It). Not every experiment will work, and that’s okay. Failure is a stepping stone to success, not a final destination. Learn from what didn’t work and use it to inform your next move.
  5. Find Your Voice. What makes your business different? Lean into that. Build your business around your unique strengths and passions, not someone else’s playbook.

Remember: There’s No Business Model Police

You are the captain of your ship, the master of your destiny, and the one who gets to decide how your business is going to operate. The next time you find yourself on autopilot, remember: there’s no business model police waiting to ticket you for thinking outside the box.

By all means, learn from the successes of others, but don’t forget to question why they succeeded. Their reasons may not be yours. And that’s okay. In fact, that’s where your true potential lies—by building a business that’s as unique as you are.

So, don’t just cut the end off the roast. Get a bigger pan.

By breaking away from the norm and daring to do things differently, you’ll discover opportunities that others can’t see. And who knows? You might just create the next great business innovation—one that everyone else will eventually want to follow.

Ready to start your journey off the beaten path? At Nichols WD, we’re all about embracing the unconventional to achieve extraordinary results. Let’s connect and see how we can build something truly unique together.

Dreyton Nichols

Dreyton Nichols

Director of Operations